Saturday, June 2, 2012

B'Elanna's Room... in progress... (Updated)

Over Memorial Weekend, my Mom drove over from Tacoma for the weekend.  The original plan was to repaint the room that will be B'Elanna's... but I live in a rental and when I transfer to my next duty assignment, I would have to paint it back.  So my Mom (and some of the ladies on the Adoption Forums) pointed out that B'Elanna will like the room regardless of the paint color and their are many other ways to personalize the room.   So after allowing my mom to get at least 6 hours of sleep... I woke her up... drug her into the room... pointed to the walls and the furniture and the layout of the room... and said "OK, what am I supposed to do with this???"  One of the walls is Chocolate Brown and the other three are a Grey-Blue (more on the grey side) color.  

The layout of the room is limited, because the one vent in the room is under the window and needs to be accessible and the opposite wall is where the closet is.   So the crib and couch are on the chocolate wall and the toy/bookshelf and changing table are on the opposite wall.  ***For those that aren't aware:  Many adopted children have night terrors and either need to co-sleep with their parent OR the parent sleeps in the child's room.  Since I am not sure what I will be doing, I decided to leave the Guest couch/bed in the room***

I originally wanted the Theme to be Teddy Bears... but that didn't work out.   So... we decided to check out some local stores for the Decal selection and to order a couple that we liked online.... they should be here next week.  So there is NO specific theme... more.... just fun Girly Stuff. 

Here are a couple of photo's of the room so far...

Rainbow, flowers and clouds... feels whimsical and dream inspiring.

Butterfly decals on the bedroom window.  The room is so dark, I decided to just have these simple lace curtains.

Here is an angle of the room from the door.
You can see the couch and crib.  The tiger in the background is a rocker.
The green chair is a rocking chair from my Mom and her sisters (and all of my generation),
it is over 60 years old. The Black Rug in the center of the picture is my 7-year-old Black Lab... Posideon.

Butterflies over the closet.   
The picture on the right is a Mother and Babe in arms picture from my Auntie Bobbie.  
It has a garden theme... so the Butterflies just seem to fit.

Here you can see an angle from on the couch of the crib, closet, butterflies AND my China suitcase.  
Full of all of B'Elanna's outfits!!!!

***UPDATE*** Sunday June 3rd....

Today I put up the Bubble Girl and Fairy Decals I received in the mail yesterday.  Here are some photos.... I will put up full room pictures once I receive some things my Mom is making for the room.

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