Thursday, July 12, 2012

Article 5 Pick-up!!!

I woke up this morning to this email!!!

"Dear Carmel Finch,

We just received an update from our Guangzhou staff stating that they have picked up your family’s Article 5(s) (signed 2nd acceptance letter) from the Consulate and now it is off to the CCCWA.  The Article 5 typically takes about 2-3 days to be delivered to the CCCWA. Once the CCCWA receives this document, they will have all that they need to issue your family’s travel approval.  The CCCWA typically takes about 2-4 weeks to issue a travel approval.  Once the travel approval arrives families typically leave for China about 10-21 days later.  We see this update as great news for your family as you are one step closer to getting you to your little one in China! 

***Attention Henan families: The Henan orphanages are in need of summer clothing and toys for children ages 0-24 months old.  Also, we are also in need of bottles for cleft lip and palate kids as well as nursing pillows for the Lily Orphan Care Centers.  If you are able to bring along donations (new items or barely used please!) please contact our Charity Director, Xia, for more details at  We know the babies and orphanage staff will be appreciative! 

Thank you so much. 

Sheri Kabeya, Betsy Harper, Beth Escobar & Hannah Curry
Travel Department
Chinese Children Adoption International"


  1. Carmel,

    Looks like we may be traveling the same time! We received the same email from CCAI the day before you. We are the family down in Idaho.

    -Dave & Robin

  2. Congratulations!!! Getting so much closer now :)
