Wednesday, March 21, 2012

2nd Birthday Party !!

March 14th Zhou Yin Yue turned 2 years old!!!  I couldn't be there, but I sent a Birthday Cake and some presents through Ann at Red Thread.

Ann sent me this message with the pictures "Attached are pictures of zhou yin yue`s party ,those kids in zhou yin yue`s party will be adopted too ,so please share those pictures with those families if you know them!"

Let me know if you are the AP of any of these kiddo's and I will email you their pictures.  Also, if you know any of their names, can you let me know.  Yin Yue is the one in the front with the red cheeks and pink outfit.   I think the little one behind her with the yellow toy and the one in orange were the one's at her Fruit Party.  I never got an email from any prospective parents for a copy of those pics, so hopefully someone will claim them and I can forward copies.


I am not saying "Happy Birthday", because she is still so far away and she doesn't look happy in these photos.  Her big Red Cheeks make me think she isn't feeling well.

Let me try some more!

Mommy come GET ME!!  I don't feel good <<cry>>!!!!!

Love the look on this little guys face!!

I think this is one of the friends from the Fruit Party.

and now the Frosting on the Face



Looking SAD!!



  1. I'm part of the Henan group. How wonderful to have photos of so many children coming home to their families! Your little one is beautiful, and does look like she needs her mama :( When we got our little girl in 2010, she was so sick and hot, and she had layers of clothing on. First thing we did was peel those clothes off and let her breathe :) Your little one is darling!

  2. What wonderful photos! Your daughter is precious. I am sending prayers that you travel soon to pick her up! FWIW, to me, it looks like she may have fifth's disease, which is also called "slapped cheek." It's a common cold type virus that goes away on it's own. Both my girls (who are adopted from China) have had this.

  3. nope- i don't think matthew was in there-- i didn't see his uniqgue hari ctu or his nanny in there-- maybe just the older kids go-- 2 and up??? the red cheeks will be due to the cold and them being chapped and dry-- noah had those too!

  4. It's so hard to get photos of them looking sad. Pretty much all the photos we rec'd via updates were sad (which made me sad!) and to be honest, our girl WAS sad for the first while home...but she is now an amazing, happy, funny 3.5 yr old! Amazing how much they blossom with the one on one love from a mama. :)

  5. Hey Carmel! Again, she is one little cutie -- even with those red cheeks. I'm sure she'll be fine; she just needs her mama!


  6. Your daughter is beautiful! I hope your journey to her is a quick one! My son is from Zhengzhou, though I know very little as he was a domestic adoption. Many blessings, stopping in from RQ.
