Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, BeLanna!!!

Today BeLanna and her friends at Zhengzhou CWI should be enjoying a wonderful birthday cake and party.  I sent her a recordable book in the hopes that my voice will be a little familiar on Gotcha Day and the days following.  I haven't gotten any pictures or an update yet, but am hoping to in the next couple of weeks.  

In the mean time... I made an attempt at some brownie cupcakes today.   The frame I am using is supposed to make the cupcakes look like flowers, but instead... mine look like mounds of brown blobs.   So I threw some frosting on them and wrote BeLanna's name and this is what they looked like.   I will do better in the future.  They did taste pretty good though and my co-workers are enjoying them!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure BeLanna would love them. Happy birthday to your sweet girl.
