But let's start with last night. I put Ayla in her crib to go to sleep and B'Elanna climbed into my bed to get ready to sleep. I gave B'Elanna a hug and kiss, then turned to give Ayla a hug and kiss and found her silently crying BIG, Crocodile Tears. So, of course, I pulled her out of the crib, gave her some cuddles to calm down and then put her int
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Cuddling on Mommy and Big sister, B'Elanna |
And now for the important story!! Our visit back to Ayla's orphanage, Zhengzhou CWI. Grammy and I were hoping to get some answers to Ayla's story... and BOY DID WE!!!
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Give me food and I am happy... Even on the drive back to her CWI!! |
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Part of the Entrance to the Zhengzhou CWI |
The first thing we saw was this AMAZING track and field. Some of the children from the CWI proper were out getting sun and running the track. As we were leaving, we saw the construction where they are building another track on-site.

My Mom (aka Grammy) had asked our guide, Yisha, if it would be possible to see a woman from the ZZ CWI Adoption unit that she had met and bonded with this summer. Her name is Sonny. She is Wonderful. She was very excited to see my Mom again and to see B'Elanna and Ayla!
Then we headed to the Show Hope/LOCC building. I thought we were heading straight to the LOCC, but instead we headed to the Show Hope floor. We got a piece of Ayla's puzzle!!! She was in the Show Hope Specialty Care Center for most of 2015! I'm going to take that as Fate. While I was on Deployment and not able to do much for an adoption process, she was in Show Hope getting stronger and healthier!!!
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Mural in Hallway |
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Nice bathing, cleaning and procedure area |
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Door and Hallway outside of Show Hope. You can see the Laundry drying on the porch area. |
This was a Ayi on the Show Hope Floor. Yisha said she wasn't one of Ayla (aka Li Dan's) care givers, but she was still excited to see her.
Then as we were getting ready to move to the LOCC, some of the Nurses came in to see Li Dan. They got a bit emotional to see her with a family. It was WONDERFUL to see that they remembered and cared about her and how she was doing. They did comment to Yisha that she was still really skinny and tiny. HAHAHAHAHA!!

And then it was on to the LOCC. One of the little boys in our group had come straight from the LOCC to his parents. Additionally, B'Elanna and I had made a gift and a picture book for her old Ayi's. B'Elanna claims not to remember her time in the orphanage or the LOCC, but when we got the rooms (which have been renovated since she was there) and she saw the Ayi's... she... shut... down. She gave the gift, let them give her hugs and take pictures... but no big smiles or laughter! I shouldn't have been... but I was actually surprised. She acted EXACTLY as she did the day we had Her Orphanage visit four years ago.

But she cheered up a bit when Sonny let her hold Ayla... something she has been wanting to do for DAYS!! B'Elanna LOVES picking up little kids!!

This is a random play area and a big kids room in the CWI that we saw quickly before heading to the Xinhe Foster Homes.
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AYLA WITH HER FOSTER MOM AND DAD!! They both gave her a kiss and hug as we were leaving!! The group picture is of the children that are currently in the home. |
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This is the crib Ayla slept in... |
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These are the other kids beds. The parents had their own room. |

The kitchen area...

Random play areas on the CWI grounds.

This is the Administration Building, on-site school wing and the therapy/medical wing. Also the clock tower at the entrance/exit.

Compared to B'Elanna, Ayla handled the Orphanage visit pretty well. We didn't see any new behaviours... she has been shutdown since Gotcha Day, she still isn't talking. She continues to just want to cuddle and make guttural sounds.

B'Elanna on the other hand, was back to normal after the visit and enjoyed playing with Brook in the back of the bus.

When we got back to the room, Mommy and Grammy were EXHAUSTED from all the emotions of the day. So we all took a nap!!!
Thank you for sharing. What an adventure. It will be a real gift to your girls to have these photos. Love to you! Lynette