Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Zhengzhou Day 5: Sleeping Cute/Registration Day

Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hi Everyone,
So yesturday, we started off well and then progressed to off and on grieving and by the end of the day, B'Elanna was just plain unconsolible.   She has this pitiful little tiny cry with a sad face during the day and I would cuddle her as much as possible, but there were certain things that needed to get accomplished like her Registration photo (got my little red book..... she is officially and forever more my daughter and a Finch.... pooor giiiirrrlll!!!)  heheeheh.    Then we came back to the hotel for a couple of hours for lunch and to "cool off" (relative, the AC sucks in this hotel!!!)   Ate some lunch and, finally, got her to lay down with me for a nap.... and then it was time to get up and leave for the Passport Photo.   I was considering putting her in the baby carrier, but my back is Killing Me today and the Tylenol isn't working.... plus, she LOVES her stroller, so she got strolled this afternoon. 

B'Elanna looking pretty in her bows.

The light up ball... her FAVORITE toy!!
She was really analyzing this pond.
I was waiting for her to try and jump in!!

Playing at the Registrar's Office
In the eyes of China, Zhou Yin Yue is officially and forever more MY DAUGHTER!!!!


A bit of tired grieving as we were driving back to the hotel.
Fell asleep with the bottle in her mouth.  She chews on it and drinks a bit.   She is ready for a sippy cup....but doesn't know how to suck the liquid out yet.
So, I had to get her up from the middle of her nap AND expect her to be cooperative.... yeah right!!   For her Passport Photo, there was Absolutely NO getting her to look at the camera and stop crying and get BOTH ears in the picture (they are tiny and she has a big head folks!!)   It took FOREVER and her passport photo is NOT pretty.... she is crying and giving her Evil Eye.    Yes... she has an Evil Eye!!!   Grammy gets it ALL the time.    She says she now knows how Grandma used to feel when I gave her an Evil Eye at this same age.... but she says she isn't letting her feelings get hurt it is a normal part of the process.   OH what progress and growing up the Finch/Becker family has accomplished in ONE generation, hehehahhahhahaha!!   She keeps telling B'Elanna (from a distance or from behind).... I know you will Love me one day, but I already Love you right now, so this is OK.    While we were waiting for the passport photo's to be approved, for 5 kiddo's, she was all fussy and whiny and DID NOT want to be removed from her stroller.   I tried cheerios, I tried water, I tried to comfort her.... Nothing.... I finally broke down and gave her a Dum-Dum.... and then a Second one on the bus.... and then said NO to a 3rd one and she was not happy.
On the bus ride back, she would fuss, cuddle, jump in my lap and lookout the window, etc. etc. etc.  When we got back to the room, the actual TEARS with crying started.  So I just held her and cried along with her.   There was not stopping it.   There was nothing I could do to make her happy, she would sit on the bed with me.... but move away from me and cry w/ tears and then cry silently w/tears, then she would let me pull her up to me so she could use me as a back rest and cry and cry.... so Momma cried along with her.   When she calmed down/gave up enough, she and I were both HOT and SWEATY, so I went in and ran her a bath (it takes FOREVER for the bathwater to warm in this hotel... but luckily my Mom had done laundry earlier.... so we had lukewarm to start with).    Oh she cried when we walkd in there and started to take her clothes off... but as soon as the stacking cups came out, she calmed down and pointed to the tub... so I dropped them in and she laughed... then she tossed her light up ball in their too.   She LOVES her baths!!!   Finally had to take her out when she started to prune up.     She started to Grieve REALLY hard again, so I just gave her a bottle of this Fruity-Milky-Yogurty-Drink thing (Nurti-Express) that they have here.    When she was done, we ALL went to bed and SLEPT.   In the middle of the night, Grammy and I were awoken by this very startling, loud CRY.... she had FALLEN OUT OF THE BED!!!     Yes, I had put the pillow (they give us big long fluffy pillows) between her and the side of the bed, but my little wiggle worm.... TOOK THE PILLOW RIGHT WITH HER so at least she had a soft landing.   :) :) Humph!!!
Got her up, held her until she went to sleep.... I'm not really sure she ever woke up.... but cuddled her for a while.   In the meantime, Grammy figured out how to put one side of the crib walls down and then we shoved the crib back between the beds (it is a tight fit)... and now B'Elanna is sleeping in the crib once she is asleep.... regardless that she slept with her foster mom before.    I think they sleep with their beds against the wall.... so then she wouldn't have been able to fall out!! 
Anyway.... I woke up at 4am this morning and found her using Bunny as a pillow.... so of course I had to get a couple of pictures.    The frown is her reaction to the flash.

This is how she fell asleep last night.   It should have given me
a clue how she was feeling and how Today and the Passport Office Visit
were going to go..... she is feeling Sacrificed!!
Cheers from China!!
Grammy, Carmel and B'Elanna

1 comment:

  1. Carmel,

    She is so beautiful! Seems like she will definitely keep you on your toes. :) So sweet...

    We're really, really excited for you all!
