Saturday, November 17, 2012

Love Letter: 32 Months

November 14, 2012

My Dearest B'Elanna,

This month you had A LOT of changes!!   You are so much happier, sillier and more settled this month.  You have had significantly LESS temper tantrums.  Mostly you have started to challenge eating different foods... some days you will eat something, the next you won't.   Typical 2 year old stuff.   

You are laughing and giggling SO MUCH!!  Life in the house this month has been a Joy.  Here is a video of you at NaiNai's house. Over the last 2 months, you have gone from avoiding the Ladybug pillow, to lying on it, to jumping on it, to....

Your vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds.   So many people have been commenting on "How well you speak!!".... perfect strangers even!!   There are a few sounds we are still working on, mostly anything that involves you putting your tongue on or through your teeth.  I am hoping when we meet with the Developmental Assessment Team at the end of November, we can get a few sessions of Speech Therapy to help you beyond what I know how to do. 

You are also able to concentrate on projects like putting puzzles together (with less frustration), you can listen to stories for a little bit longer than one month ago (you are starting to like books), and as you can see in this video your fine motor skills are even better than Gotcha Day!!

You had your first Haircut/Trim.  You Did Not care for it much.  You screamed and cried through most of it.  Then as we were leaving... you said a VERY LOUD and Happy "Bye-Bye" and all the Beauticians laughed.

You had your First Halloween!!  You were an adorable Lady Bug.  You didn't go out trick-o-treating, but you really enjoyed greating people at the door and saying "Hello!! Hap Baleen!!!  Bye-Bye!!"

You started a new preschool on November 1st... not by my choice... it is the only one that can receive the Military Child Care substity.   They quickly made some of the same observations about you that the Pass It On Learning Preschool did.... you are very affectionate and caring towards the other children.  You like to give hugs and if you think someone is upset or if you have hurt someone ... you become upset yourself and start trying to give them hugs and patting them.    There are a few things about this new school that I don't like... but the Director is trying to work on getting things fixed.  One of the biggest issues is that you are 2.5 years old in a classroom with 4-5 year olds, and the curriculum is SIGNIFICANTLY over your head.   I feel that you have been languishing in a Daycare, when you are supposed to be learning in a Preschool.   Because of this discrepancy, I have started to augment with things here at home with a YouTube Video called "Apple apple a a a" to learn the phonetic alphabet and some videos on colors and shapes that I received as an Adoption Gift.

November is National Adoption Month.  You are the Purest Joy I have every brought into my life!  You are so Smart and Beautiful and the lightLIGHT in each and every day and make it a pleasure to wake up every morning.  This month you have started to cuddle up to at night and in the mornings you climb on top of me, give me a hug and laughing say "Good Morning!!"

I love you more and more every single day!!!


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