Saturday, February 11, 2012

Busy week... concluding with Dossier to my Adoption Agency - ***CCAI***

This has been a VERY busy week, a career fair, HOURS on the road, training with the Chain of Command, tasking, tasking, tasking and concluding on a wonderful event... I got my Authenticated documents back from The Assistant Stork courier services!!!!   I immediately took them to the office, made copies, verified I had all my other dossier documents - individual pictures, group pictures, passport photos, copies of my passport and of course #2 Agency fee and CCCWA fee ($$$$$$$$$$$).   Packaged everything up, took them to USPS and Priority sent them to CCAI.  If everything goes right, it should be there on Monday, translated and sent to China by the end of the Month... maybe <<<fingers-crossed>>> as early as my Birthday on Feb. 22nd!!

A lot of people don't know what all the forms look like or what is entailed in getting them ready.  So here is a quick rundown.

1.) Collect or write up documents.
2.) Get them notarized (birth certificate in Alaska, all others here in Montana)
3.) Send all the documents to the Montana Secretary of State to have the Notaries signature Certified.  Here is a picture of what that document looks like.   Pretty right??!!!

 4.)  Once all the documents were Certified, they were sent to Washington DC to be Authenticated by the Department of State and signed by Hillary Clinton!


 5.)  Then all the documents are taken to the Washington DC., Chinese Embassy.  They add their Authentication and holographic image on the back of the certificate issued by the Department of State.  I think this one is really pretty and colorful also!!

 7.)  Once I made copies of all these documents.  I added everything else (shown below), packaged them up and Priority mailed them to CCAI.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I am so very happy for you. Still excited about being DTC a couple weeks ago ourselves, so I know exactly how you are feeling. Hurry up LID, LOA, and TA!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
