Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Love Letter: 31 months

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Dear B'Elanna,

This month has brought a HUGE amount of changes for you.  You are now fully immersed in the English language.  You are in your new home here in Missoula, MT.  You have only ME around... for better or worse... for boring and fun!!  You started preschool.

This has been a difficult month for us.  We have Butted heads, over and over and over.  Your pesonality is so very similar to my own (according to family).  You are very stubborn and defiant.  You are cooperative and sweet and shy.  AND THEN something will set you off and you will cry and scream and reject Me, Posideon and any soothing I can hope to give you.  Being the adult, and all the reading/research I have done, I know this is normal... but honestly, many times my feelings have been Hurt and I get angry... and I let you know.   I have put you in Time-in, put you in your crib and walked out to the room to the hallway until you have finished your tantrum, I have used a VERY stern and ANGRY voice towards you.   BUT... we are learning.  Your vocabulary is growing by Leaps and Bounds, both verbal and sign language from the Baby Signing videos.   Our patience for each other takes two steps forward/three steps back... but in just the last week.... I feel like we ran a mile ahead after having taken a full 10 steps backwards.  

You started the Pass It On Learning Preschool.  We did a couple of Orientation days and on October 1st you started full time... and I went back to Work.  It is a WONDERFUL school... and you are the apple of your teachers eye.  They tell me that you laugh and joke, help and sooth the other children, you sit in a chair at the table and eat A LOT every day.   All of these things are Wonderful to hear, but at the same time, very frustrating.   It is like you are a Dr. Jekel/Mr. Hyde.   The nice, sweet one at the school... and the mean, rotten one at home.   I know, the school is an environment that you are familiar with and comfortable in.  And, I know, you have realized you are in a NEW home and are testing your boundries with me.   I hope you will learn soon that you will be staying with me FOREVER, although I know that can take years.  Since you were in your Foster Home for 8 months.... I am guessing the earliest you will finally realize I am your Forever Mommy will be at least 12 months.   But things are getting better and better... especially this Last Week!!

This month, we also went to Kalispell twice to visit Tante Noonie and NaiNai.  You have gotten MANY new toys.  You especially like your riding toy.  In fact, sometimes... you won't let it go.

You also experienced your first Pumpkin Patch.  I think you had a Great Time.

Some things I have learned about you:
  • Your FAVORITE colors are Green and Pink!!
  • Your favorite sign language sign is Socks. You also know and use milk, coat, water, MORE, food/eat.
  • You HATE chocolate.
  • You still LOVE noodles.
  • You still like eggs, yogurt and bananas, just like in China.  Now you also like milk and apple juice.
  • You tried asparagus this month... I think you liked it.  You also tried avacado... You didn't care for it.  You ate some artichoke hearts I had from Costco.... You LOVED them!!!
  • You are learning to understand English VERY Quickly and your verbal skills are coming along quicker than I could have imagined.
  • You are picking up Sign Language VERY Quickly also.
  • You LOVE Posideon and say "Posideon, Posideon, Posideon" as we are leaving the preschool Every Day!!   You are also TERRIFIED of him when he First comes in the house, because he is So Happy and Energetic... he almost tramples you and Hits you with his big tail...if you are on the floor.   So...Usually, you come RUNNING for me to pick you up before I can open the door to let him in, then you scream or laugh (depending on your mood) when he puts his big nose on your foot.
  • All your initial blood work for Lead, diseases, worms and parasites... came back negative or normal.   You are a healthy little girl.   We also restarted ALL of your immunizations this month.

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