Thursday, August 23, 2012

Made it to Beijing

Beijing, China
Thursday, August 23, 2012

We made it to Beijing!!!  Got it at 11:20pm, got our luggage, went through immigration and then saw the most perfect person... Our guide, George, holding a CCAI sign!!!   We got the the hotel, showed our passports and to our room.  We organized our stuff for tomorrow and then crashed.... about 2am.   Meeting the rest of the group and George at 8:45am to start our day of touring.
The flight was OK... Delta 129.   The overhead compartments are TINY!!  I had a standard carryon that I purchased just for the small overheads... and it was almost TOO BIG.  It had to be put in sidewase instead of wheels first.    Just a warning for future travellers.
Once we were here my mom saw the PJ's I had bought her for the trip.... Green with Tinker Bell and lady bugs.   Mom LOVES them!!!
Off to breakfast.... will try to send more tonight.
*** I am emailing in this blog entry, can someone send a REPLY, so I know it is making it???*** 


  1. I can't email you but you blog is updated! Can't wait to follow along. Thanks SO MUCH for all you budget planning. I will be a huge help to me! So excited for you and what is to come!

    1. Hi Claire -
      I would LOVE to meet you and your kids if you are in Missoula in the next year (I transfer again in Oct 2013)!!! I am so happy the financial information will help you.... I was hoping it would help at least One other person. :) :)


  2. I am so happy you are there safe and sound. How about a pic of CJ in PJS. I am trying to see if I am doing this right so I can TALK to you both while you are gone. Love you Tantenoonie

    1. Tante Noonie -
      Just showing Mom the blog entries. I DID get your comment... thank-you, thank-you, thank-you!! Also, getting your email!!!

      Will be getting B'Elanna in a few hours!!

