Thursday, September 6, 2012

Guangzhou Day 15 - Waiting for Visa

Friday, September 7, 2012

We stayed up late last night and packed up everything.   Of course, this upset B'Elanna and she started packing some of her own clothes into the backpack that I have bought her.   She looks so adorable walking around with it... but she doesn't keep it on long enough for me to take a picture.    This morning, she was a bit grumpy and fussy at breakfast.... I think most of it had to do with us sleeping late and all the packed suitcases.  But she keeps checking HER backpack and then she seems to feel better.   This afternoon, the Weimer's daughter Lia celebrated her eighth birthday.   They invited us over for cake.  It was a lot of fun!!   She asked my Mom to come and put some red-colored-glue-stuff in her hair.... so she did.   Lia looked so cute!!   And it was nice visiting with this family... we have really enjoyed getting to know them!!!

Lia... the Birthday Girl
Ricky... totally enthused about the party.  :)  :)

The adults weren't so eager for the cake....

But Andrew couldn't get enough.


Close-up on Lia's Hair!!  She looked really good!!

After the party, we went to the pool for about an hour.   B'Elanna is getting much better in the water, I am hoping to continue to take her to the pool once we are home!

Now we are back in the room, B'Elanna is napping, Grammy is doing Word Seek Puzzles and I am updating my blog.   We should be getting B'Elanna's Visa and Chinese Passport in about 3 hours and then we head to Hong Kong.

I am hoping to blog from there.... but just in case.   We are going to see the Giant Sitting Buddha tomorrow (Saturday) and then catching our flight out bright and early Sunday morning!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel so special that you featured our family on your blog! Love the photos! Hope all is well with you and your little one and looking forward to more posts on your blog.
